
★How English Reading Changed a Kid’s Life: From Struggling to Excelling★

Lena was a regular 9-year-old girl who loved playing with her friends and watching cartoons. But when it came to English class, she always felt left behind. She struggled to keep up with the reading and often got lost in the words. Lena’s parents tried everything they could think of to help her, but nothing seemed to work.

Then one day, Lena’s teacher introduced her to the world of English reading. At first, Lena was hesitant and scared, but as she dived deeper into the books, she found something she never knew existed: a love for learning. She started to read more and more, and her confidence grew with every page turn.

Soon, Lena went from being the struggling student to the one who excelled at English class. Her parents were amazed at her progress, and Lena herself couldn’t be happier. “I never knew reading could be so much fun,” she said with a smile on her face.

Thanks to English reading, Lena’s life has changed for the better. She now dreams of exploring the world and communicating with people from all walks of life. And who knows? Maybe one day she’ll even become a writer herself.

“One small step can lead to a giant leap,” Lena whispered to herself.
■Why Your Child Might Be Struggling with English: The Problem of English Reading
When it comes to learning English, many children find reading to be the most challenging skill to master. This is especially true for non-native speakers who are not exposed to the language on a regular basis. Even native speakers can find themselves struggling with reading comprehension and vocabulary.

The problem lies in the fact that many schools and parents do not prioritize reading in English. Children are often given textbooks and exercises to practice grammar and vocabulary, but are not encouraged to read for pleasure. As a result, they lack the exposure to a wide range of vocabulary, sentence structures, and cultural references.

Without sufficient exposure to English reading materials, children will be ill-equipped to comprehend more complex texts or navigate real-life situations where they are required to read in English. This could limit their career opportunities and social interactions in the future.

It is clear that English reading must become a top priority in a child’s language learning journey. In the next section, we will explore the agitation that arises from this problem and offer potential solutions to help your child become a proficient reader in English.

多くの子供たちは、英語が苦手でなかなか勉強する気になりません。また、教科書を読むということ自体がつまらないと感じてしまうことも多いです。しかし、英語を楽しく学び、自然な形で身につける方法が存在します。それが、「英語 多読」です。



英語 多読は、子供たちが楽しみながら自然な形で英語を身につけることができる画期的な学習方法です。ぜひ、お子さんと一緒に多読を始めてみてください。
■ Boost Your Child’s English Reading Skills with Extensive Reading

One effective way to help your child improve their English reading skills is through extensive reading. This method involves reading a lot of materials in English, such as books, articles, and other written works, with the goal of gaining comprehension and fluency.

To get started with extensive reading, you can:

1. Choose materials that your child is interested in. Encourage them to pick books or articles on topics they enjoy, whether it’s sports, animals, or science fiction.

2. Set a regular reading time. Make reading a part of your child’s daily routine, setting aside a specific time each day for them to read.

3. Focus on understanding, not just speed. It’s important to encourage your child to read at a pace that allows them to comprehend what they’re reading. If they’re struggling with a particular word or phrase, encourage them to stop and look it up.

4. Celebrate progress. As your child improves their reading skills, celebrate their achievements with them. This can include rewards such as a special treat or a trip to the bookstore to buy a new book.

By following these simple tips, you can help your child boost their English reading skills through extensive reading. With regular practice and support, your child can become a confident and fluent reader in no time.
■ 英語多読で子供向け本を見つけるための5つのポイント


1. レベル設定が明示されている本を選ぶ

2. 子供が興味を持てる本を選ぶ

3. 絵本やグラフィックノベルを選ぶ

4. 短い文章の本を選ぶ

5. シリーズものを選ぶ

■Now is the time to start your child’s English reading journey with extensive reading

If you are convinced of the benefits of extensive English reading for your child, it’s time to take action! Here are some steps you can take to get started:

1. Set a regular reading time with your child: Choose a time when your child is most alert and try to stick to that time every day.

2. Choose appropriate reading materials: Look for books that are suitable for your child’s reading level and interests. You can also consider using graded readers or online resources.

3. Make reading fun: Encourage your child to enjoy the reading experience by discussing the story, asking questions, and making predictions.

4. Track progress: Keep track of the books your child has read and encourage them to set reading goals.

By taking these actions, you can help your child develop their English reading skills and grow more confident in their abilities. Remember, the key to success is consistency and making reading a part of your child’s daily routine.

英語 多読 子供 向けで悩む方から受けるよくあるご質問
1. 質問:多読は子供にとって有効ですか?


2. 質問:どのような種類の本が子供に向いていますか?


3. 質問:どうやって子供に英語の多読を促すことができますか?


4. 質問:英語が苦手な子供にとって、多読はどのように役立ちますか?


5. 質問:多読を続けることで、子供はどのような英語力を身につけることができますか?


